Tonight our family went to the park. While we were there, some girls came with three puppies and a sign that said "Puppies for Sale - $25." We've been talking for a while about getting another little dog for Mo to play with so that he's happier and less needy. I have been kind of hesitant since I'm not really a dog person, but we brought Mo with us on our trip to California and he got to play with the dogs out there, and he really was much happier and more mellow, so when I saw these cute little puppies I decided that we should get one.
Having the sales background that I do, I had to laugh when we walked up to look at the puppies and the oldest girl (probably about 13) said "We're selling them for $25, but you can make an offer of $10 and we'll take it." So, $10 it was!
We told Rylee that the new black doggie was a friend for Mo. A few minutes later, we asked her what his name should be and she said "Friend!" We're still looking for a name...(so feel free to give suggestions!)
I think you should name him "friend". That's cute and it is cute how it came about.