Time flies; Cailyn turned 6 months on Saturday!
She is such a happy little person and I love having her in our family. She loves to be tickled, and loves to smile. She loves to watch the dogs. She really loves her sister and laughs at her all the time. I have discovered in the last week or so that she also loves swinging! I had a lady at the park yesterday comment that she's never seen such a young baby love to swing as high as Cailyn was. (I personally know of at least one other - Rylee!)
I took her to the doctor on Monday for her checkup and shots. She seems so rolly polly that I was totally expecting her to weigh like 18 pounds - I think because she is about too big for her size 2 diapers, which Rylee wore until she was 15 months, and Rylee was about 18 pounds when she was one. Anyway, I was surprised to find that she has only put on about a pound since her checkup in April. Here are her stats:
Weight: 15 lbs. 14 oz. - 48%ile
Height: 26 inches - 60%ile
Head: 18 inches - 99%ile
So she seems to have just had a growth spurt around 4 months that made me think she was going to be huge, but I guess she's slowed down again.
Since she's 6 months now, I also decided that it was time to start giving her solid foods (actually, I'm not sure if rice cereal mixed with breast milk really qualifies as a solid...) Anyway, last night Rylee and I gave her her first food with a spoon.
Here's the before shot:
Time flies! I can't believe she is 6 months already! She's very darling and happy birthday to Miss Ava.