Weight: 21 lbs. 3 oz (25th %ile)
Height: 28.75 inches (9th %ile)
Head: 18.75 inches (91st %ile)
Her height was actually exactly the same as it was at her 1 year check-up, but they just got a new fancy schmancy measuring contraption at the pediatrition's office that is apparently supposed to be more accurate than the old fashioned draw-a-line-at-her-head-and-foot method.
This little girl keeps me on my toes. Over the last month or two, she definitely seems to have changed from a baby to a toddler - she is less needy and clingy (although, that is a relative statement - less clingy Cailyn is way more clingy than Rylee ever was!) and likes to play with other kids and explore everything. She LOVES playing with Rylee's tea set, which is funny to me because I never would have thought to get a tea set for Rylee at that age, but Cailyn loves playing with it just as much as Rylee does. She frequently comes over to me with a little cup and spoon and puts them up to my mouth and makes smacking noises.
She could walk if she wanted to now, but doesn't really seem very motivated most of the time. She stands herself up without help all the time and will occasionally take a few steps, but for the most part she only walks if she's holding on to my finger and will drop to the floor as soon as I let go (even though I'm really not helping her.)
Her 5th and 6th teeth have recently broken through, so she now has two teeth on the bottom and four on the top.
Cailyn has a rapidly expanding vocabulary. I will try to list as many of her words as I can think of right now:
mommy, dada, Rylee, grandma/grandpa (she pronounces these the same), Ava, baby, dog, ball, water, drink, juice, milk, cheese, shoe, sock, Elmo, book, spoon, duck, bath, shower...I'm sure there are lots more, but those are the ones I could come up with off the top of my head.
She is super cute!