Friday, July 2, 2010

Just Keep Swimming!

We started swimming lessons last week, and the girlies LOVE it! This morning Rylee said she wanted to go to swimming lessons today, and when I told her that we were, Cailyn exclaimed "swimming lessons!" (it wasn't that clear, but it was obvious that was what she was saying!)
We lucked out in finding a lady that teaches out of her back yard, along with two other ladies, and they work 1-1 with the kids which has been nice.
So here are some of my favorite shots of them at the pool...
This is one of Rylee's earliest attempts to float like a "starfish"...remember this for later so you can see her progress
Remember me mentioning that Cailyn's favorite body part is her belly button? Here she is finding it in the middle of the pool!
Every time Rylee is supposed to jump in the water, she tries to grab her teacher's hands and says "I can't reach you!" It takes quite a bit of coaxing each time to get her to take the plunge.
And here's her "starfish" float today! See how much better she is!?!
Leaving the pool, hand in hand.
And what better way to finish off a swimming lesson than a trip to get a yummy cupcake?

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