We had such a fun and memorable Halloween this year!
Here are the treats we made when it was Rylee's turn to bring snack to preschool:
Spider Cupcakes |
Banana Ghost Pops |
(Cailyn got to eat some at home)
Speaking of preschool, Rylee learned this fun song:
Quinn came up with the great idea of having our whole family dress up as
Care Bears. It took a little bit of coaxing to get the girls (mostly
Rylee) on board with this idea rather than being princesses, but
everyone wound up having fun in the end.
The girls wanted to help me make our belly badges, so I gave them each their own to paint while I worked.
Grandma Karen made hats for us and I found these so-perfect-that-there's-no-way-I-would-have-found-them-if-I-had-gone-out-looking-for-them boots by chance at Wal-Mart.
Our first opportunity for a test run was on Thursday before Halloween at the preschool Halloween party. These girls are so silly.
On Halloween morning I figured I might as well start the girls off with some sugar, so I made them these Jack-o-Lantern waffles.
Rylee had me paint Candy Corns (one traditional colors, one non-traditional) on her cheeks during the day.
In the evening we braided hair, (yes, I even did my own circle braid...be impressed!)
carved our pumpkins
and then got dressed.
Share Bear, Friendship Bear, Grumpy Bear, Cheer Bear |
Then we headed over to the Starnes. Halloween is supposed to be wacky, and there's not much I can think of that's wackier than McNamara girls + Starnes kids.
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Jack, Rylee, Carter, Cailyn, Lainey |
Cailyn brought up the rear all night; often she would get to the door after everyone else had left. And that was with me carrying her in between houses. Sweet little girl.
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Me and Casey |
Back at home, we took these out of the freezer.
No, we didn't mix up our holidays...it just turns out that plastic eggs make perfect eyeball molds!
Cailyn got right down to business sorting through her candy
While the big kids fought over who got to pass out candy.
Love these kiddos.
Back at our house, there was more candy sorting
and candy "patterns" made.
We put on skeleton jammies, struck a scary pose, and went to bed with braids still in
so we had waivy hair in the morning!
Here are some of my favorite costume shots:
Fun, fun, fun.
Awesome pics, as always. Love, love, love them all!