Cailyn turned 9 months on Sunday! Boy, does time fly.
I took her to the doctor for her check-up and a shot today. While we were sitting in the waiting room, I saw a mom who had twins (a boy and a girl) who were 4 days old. She said that they only came 10 days before their due date and each weighed just a few ounces under 7 lbs. Holy cow, that's a lot of baby to carry! Anyway, they may have been big for brand new twins, but the thing that got me was realizing how fast babies grow. Cailyn was 6 lbs. 14 oz. when she was born (about exactly the same size as these babies) and they looked so incredibly tiny to me! I can't remember her being so small.
So, here is the update on her growth:
Weight: 16 lbs. 11 oz. (14%ile)
Height: 27.5 inches (47%ile)
Head: 18.5 inches (99%ile)
She is following Rylee's growth pattern (at least in the weight department - Rylee has always had a small head); sometime between 6 and 9 months is when Rylee dropped from about the 50% %ile to being really tiny. At Cailyn's 6 month appointment she weighed 15 lbs. 15 oz. and was in the 48%ile, so in the last 3 months she's gained less than a pound and dropped about 33% down the growth chart! I'll be interested to see if she makes it down to the 2%ile by the time she's 15 months like Rylee did. Dr. Mumford didn't seem worried in the slightest, so I guess that's just how my babies grow.
Cailyn also is FINALLY about to have her 2 bottom teeth pop through! This sure has been a different experience than I'm used to. Not only did Rylee get her teeth early on, the teething process itself was very quick - she would be cranky for a day and then her teeth would pop in. Cailyn on the other hand has had yucky diapers that gave her a bad diaper rash, a runny nose, and fevers for about a week or so now, and they still aren't all the way in! But, I can see and feel where they are coming, so that's good.
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