Sometimes I wonder if I should give up on catching up on this blog and just start fresh with recent pictures. But then I decided to think of it as "scrapbooking" rather than "blogging" for the time here we go, power-posting through July!
The girls flew from LA to El Paso with Grandpa Dave to spend a weekend in Las Cruces at the beginning of July. We met Grandpa Dave at his office building and they rode the bus to the airport.
Waiting for the bus...
Rylee was happy to find this little flower amongst the weeds at the bus stop.
Highlights of the trip (at least, the ones I know of):
-Grandma Karen bought special bedding for them; Tinkerbell for Rylee and Dora for Cailyn. They LOVED it. Cailyn just asked me last week if she could go sleep in her Dora bed again. Which is especially significant because we just moved her out of a crib and into a bunk bed with pink and purple flower bedding that she is wild about!
-Prior to the trip, I had wondered how Cailyn would handle being away from me for a whole weekend since she has always been clingy to me. As it turns out, she was just fine without me; Cailyn only requested to talk to me once while she was gone. Saturday afternoon while they were swimming, Cailyn suddenly said "My mom is missing me." No tears, just matter of fact. So, they called and we talked for maybe a minute or two and that was it.
-Before flying home, Grandpa Dave tried to get the girls to go to the bathroom at the airport, but Cailyn (who tends to be particular about when and where she goes potty) refused, saying "No, I want to use my potty at MY HOUSE." Midflight, she declared that she had to go potty. Grandpa Dave said "OK, let's go." Cailyn said "I already did." Awesome. After cleaning that mess up, he took her to the bathroom and tried to clean her up and get new panties on her, but she had a meltdown because there weren't any more clean Dora panties, so he wound up carrying a screaming bare-bummed little girl back to the seat to sit down.
-When I picked them up from the airport Sunday night, Rylee could hardly contain her excitement about the cockroach that she had found out on the curb. She made me get out of the car and come over to see her "friend."
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