Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Life's Mysteries

Throwing rocks into the ocean is one of Cailyn's favorite things to do at the beach.
 In the last 5 minutes, the following questions came out of Cailyn's mouth:

What would happen if there wasn't any ground?
What is ice?
Why is water wet?

Maybe these are typical 3-year-old questions - all kids this age ask why questions. But for some reason they struck me as pretty complex thoughts for someone so little. Especially the one about the ground.

She keeps us busy, this little Cailyn Delly.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Thanksgiving 2011

 Our first stop on our way into Utah Valley was at our good friend Ari's 4th birthday party.
 It was a superhero party, and Hannah did such a good job with it! She made capes for all the kids,
had activities ranging from a bounce house to face painting, delicious food (I'm limiting the pictures I'm posting since I'm 4 months behind...) and the cake was darling.
 The best part, though, was the stunt right after cake and before presents. A "bad guy" held up the party at gunpoint and stole all of Ari's presents...until Spiderman came down from the rafters and saved the day!
 One little boy was scared and had a meltdown, but the birthday boy was all smiles (:

The rest of the week was nice, in spite of the bad colds that we all had. There were cousin baths
 and matching pajama parties.
 We visited my Grandma and Grandpa Heiner.
 We went sledding...
Rylee and Ava loved it, but Cailyn wasn't so sure.
{Cailyn never really did warm up to the whole sledding thing...}
Snow Thugs

 The whole gang...(Quinn was too sick to come).
Cailyn, me, Rachel, Mike, Rylee, Katie, Josh, Ava, Cassie, Colin
 Rachel flew out for the week to spend time with her big sister (: This picture is the first one I took on this trip that was used as a Christmas Card picture.
 Thanksgiving itself was everything it should be - food, family, love, laughter, gratitude, and turkey cookies.
 Unfortunately, I was feeling under the weather and didn't really take any pictures. In fact, I believe the turkey cookie ones were snapped by someone who grabbed my camera while I was napping. I did manage to take a few pictures after dinner though of the cousins playing duck duck goose - they sure had fun together!
 Love this "Little Turkey"!
 Before we left I snapped a few pictures of the cute Bergs - here's the second Christmas Card picture I took on this trip. Just call me a professional (:
Gobble Gobble.
{I don't know. It seemed like an appropriate sign-off line.}